Search Results

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Amarcord - Golden age (l'age d'or)

Description: Recording of Bor Turel's Amarcord - Golden age (l'age d'or). This piece is the first movement of the work "Amarcord" that the composer describes as a trilogy of sonorous memories. This work was conceived as a combination of electronic, electroacoustic, and ambient instrumental recordings that were all produced in the years from 1976 to 1996.
Date: 1996/1997
Duration: 11 minutes 35 seconds
Creator: Turel, Bor
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Jean-Claude Risset's Invisible. For soprano and tape, dedicated to Irène Jarsky. The piece is based on texts by Tchouang-tzu, the Chinese Taoist philosopher. In this book, sounds which respond to the character don't come from the physical and visible. The very transformations of the voice transport into fictitious acoustics, which is no longer the audible trace of mechanical vibrations in a material world. The use of synthesis and digital voice processing makes it possible to imple… more
Date: 1996
Duration: 19 minutes 40 seconds
Creator: Risset, Jean-Claude
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Claude Hermitte's Ciels. The text comes from the revolutionary poem "Egy gondolat bánt engemet..." ("One Thought Torments Me") by Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi (1823-1849), and can be roughly translated into English as: "When every enslaved people / Will rise up breaking his chains / Red faces will carry red flags / And on the flags we will write: / Freedom for the whole world!"
Date: 1996
Duration: 15 minutes 47 seconds
Creator: Hermitte, Claude
Partner: UNT Music Library

Arkheion, les voix de Pierre Schaeffer

Description: Recording of Christian Zanési's Arkheion, les voix de Pierre Schaeffer. The composer has these remarks on the creation of this piece: In 1996, on the initiative of the Experimental Music Group of Bourges (GMEB), around a hundred composers paid tribute to Pierre Schaeffer. It was on this occasion that I composed a short, outdated waltz, the theme of which is childhood (it is said of Pierre Schaeffer that, when he was a few years old, he would have written a 'treatise on the hoop'). Later, I cont… more
Date: 1996/1997
Duration: 16 minutes 56 seconds
Creator: Zanési, Christian
Partner: UNT Music Library

Projet Proust I

Description: Recording of Gilles Gobeil's Projet Proust I. Personal reading of the first pages of Du côté de chez Swann (Swann's Way) (1913) by Marcel Proust (1871-1922). (Recorded narration: Marc Béland). Projet Proust was realized in the composer's studio in Montréal in 1995 and premiered on December 23, 1995 during the radiobroadcast of Le son électrisé produced by Georges Nicholson on Radio-Canada's FM network. The present version (with narration by Marc Béland; recorded by Pierre Labbé) was revised and… more
Date: 1996
Duration: 1 minute 02 seconds
Creator: Gobeil, Gilles, 1954-
Partner: UNT Music Library

De la vie et de la morte

Description: Recording of Claude Hermitte's De la vie de la mort. This work's music is conceived and produced from the Tibetan Book of Life and Death, Sogyal RinpochŽ, Editions de la Table Ronde, Paris, 1993. This work uses synthetic sound, pre-recorded processed and unprocessed audio, and sound effects to allow for more sonic possibilities.
Date: 1996
Duration: 19 minutes 48 seconds
Creator: Hermitte, Claude
Partner: UNT Music Library

Ensemble: 1996-10-25 – Opera

Description: Recording of the Friday evening performance of "Opera Without Elephants" at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall.
Date: October 25, 1996, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 58 minutes 20 seconds
Creator: University of North Texas. Division of Vocal Studies. Opera.
Partner: UNT Music Library

I hear you think

Description: Recording of Johannes S. Sistermanns' I hear you think. This work consists of various concrete sounds as well as spoken text written by Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Date: 1996/1997
Duration: 33 minutes 47 seconds
Creator: Schmidt-Sistermanns, Johannes, 1955-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Pierre Boeswillwald's Bouclettes. This is a work for electronics that includes various concrete sounds.
Date: 1996
Duration: 7 minutes 25 seconds
Creator: Boeswillwald, Pierre, 1934-
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Christian Zanesi's Toto-Valse. This is a work for electronics and contains samples of French spoken word.
Date: 1996
Duration: 2 minutes 26 seconds
Creator: Zanési, Christian
Partner: UNT Music Library

Du libe tu

Description: Recording of Elsa Justel's Du libe tu. This is a work for electronics and acts as an homage to the life of Pierre Schaeffer.
Date: 1996
Duration: 2 minutes 13 seconds
Creator: Justel, Elsa
Partner: UNT Music Library

Rappel à l'ordre

Description: Recording of Roland Cahen's Rappel à l'ordre. This is a work for electronics and includes the story of a deep-sea diver spoken in both English and French.
Date: 1996
Duration: 1 minute 06 seconds
Creator: Cahen, Roland, 1958-
Partner: UNT Music Library
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