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open access

A Comparative Analysis of Web-based Machine Translation Quality: English to French and French to English

Description: This study offers a partial reduplication of a 2006 study by Williams, which focused primarily on the analysis of the quality of translation produced by online software, namely Yahoo!® Babelfish, Freetranslation.com, and Google Translate. Since the data for the study by Williams were collected in 2004 and the data for present study in 2012, this gives a lapse of eight years for a diachronic analysis of the differences in quality of the translations provided by these online services. At the time… more
Date: December 2012
Creator: Barnhart, Zachary
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Ideological Appropriation of La Malinche in Mexican and Chicano Literature

Description: La Malinche is one of the most controversial figures in Mexican and Chicano literature. The historical facts about her life before and after the Spanish Conquest are largely speculative. What is reliably known is that she had a significant role as translator, which developed into something of mythic proportions. The ideological appropriation of her image by three authors, Octavio Paz, Laura Esquivel and Cherríe Moraga, are explored in this thesis. The full extent of the proposed rendition of L… more
Date: August 2013
Creator: Moriel Hinojosa, Rita Daphne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Pasados Fragmentados:la Representación Teatral Del Robo De Niños En Las Dictaduras Española Y Argentina En Obras De Laila Ripoll Y Patricia Suárez

Description: This study examines the theatrical representation of the stealing of children during the last dictatorships in Spain and in Argentina in Laila Ripoll's Los niños perdidos and Patricia Suárez's Astianacte: una máscara del amor under the lenses of the concepts of trauma, myth and memory. Following the theories suggested by Freud, Adorno, Whitehead, Reyes Mate and others, the first chapter discusses the representation of the psychological traumas left by the dictatorial practices left not only on … more
Date: May 2013
Creator: Reyt, María Carolina
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Dialogismo En El Cancionero De Miguel De Unamuno: Dialéctica De La Voz Poética

Description: The present research is centered on Miguel de Unamuno's Songbook which is studied through the prism of the theory of dialogism elaborated by Mikhail Bakhtin. This study overcomes the limitation of Bakhtin's theory which extends solely to narrative genres, and argues that dialogism can also be applied to poetry. In this thesis I seek to rectify the critical oversight of this significant and original work of Unamuno and show that Songbook has panoply of innovative techniques aimed at creating the… more
Date: May 2013
Creator: Sheppard, Yanina O.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Muerte Y Soledad En La Poesía De Manuel Altolaguirre Ante El Exilio

Description: This study focuses on the Spanish poet of the Generation of '27 Manuel Altolaguirre. The purpose of this thesis is to show how the poetry of Manuel Altolaguirre evolves in relation to specific issues. Specifically, I study the changes in his work in regard to the themes of death and solitude, resulting from exile in 1939, to be enriched by new experiences, many of them dramatic, taking more personal ways, while offering them a more profound and complex and even in regard to the subject of the p… more
Date: May 2013
Creator: Mandujano, Olga Lidia
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

La Evolución Del Subalterno En Tres Novelas Mexicanas: La Negra Angustias, Balún Canán, Y Neonao

Description: The subaltern is a recurrent literary figure in Mexican narrative. The objective of this thesis is to investigate three ethnic groups – indeed, subalterns – in Mexico which include: Afro-Mexicans, indigenous groups, and Filipino colonial subjects from the perspectives of the Mexican Revolution, post-revolutionary Mexico, and the conquest of the Philippines in the sixteenth century. The principal characters play crucial roles in events shaping the history and culture of Mexico and thus demonst… more
Date: May 2013
Creator: Bowen, LaVerne Alexandra
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

El Cine De Terror Español Como Espejo De La Cultura Española

Description: This study traces the history and culture of Spain as seen through the lens of the nation´s production of horror cinema. Starting from the boom of Spanish horror film in the early 1960s, the thesis compares and contrasts the political and social aspects of Spanish society throughout three distinct eras of the 20th century: 1962 – 1975 (the boom of Spanish horror film through the Franco dictatorship), 1975 – 1999 (the transition to democracy through the end of the 20th century) and 2000 – presen… more
Date: May 2014
Creator: Donahue, Tyler
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Remembering and Narrating in Borges’ “Funes the Memorious” and Camus’ the Stranger

Description: In The Stranger, a novel by Albert Camus, and in “Funes the Memorious,” a short story by Jorge Luis Borges, the homodiegetic narrators have a significant effect on the referential aspect of their personal experiences. Chronologically these remembered experiences are positioned before the moment when they are narrated. The act of remembering is thus a form of subsequent narration. In both texts, memory is a project rather than an object because it is recounted and not found. In the sense that it… more
Date: August 2013
Creator: Stroud, Carl Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient

Description: Cette analyse littéraire examine les parallèles entre les deux romans Lettres persanes de Montesquieu (1721) et Lettres d'une Péruvienne de Françoise de Graffigny (1747) en se concentrant sur le sort des femmes et leur rébellion contre la claustration. Leurs révoltes transformatrices révèlent une volonté qui refuse et puis transcende les barreaux de leur captivité pour vivre librement. La philosophie de Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) personnifie leurs luttes pour devenir et exister, ce qui se … more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Daucourt, Monica Hazan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Usage of Clitic Pronouns and the Influence of the Definite Article in Spanish among Spanish-Quechua Bilinguals in Peru

Description: This study focuses on the clitic pronoun usage by Spanish-Quechua bilingual speakers in Cuzco, Peru when faced with a question that includes a definite article preceding the direct object. Answers are analyzed to determine whether or not the definite article has an effect on the presence or absence of the clitic pronoun. Direct objects tested were both [+human] and [-human] objects to determine if these variables affect clitic pronoun use as well. Speakers who have identified themselves as bili… more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Contreras, Courtney
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Musical Ekphrasis in the Poetry of Nicolás Guillén, Federico García Lorca, and Langston Hughes

Description: Musical ekphrasis was occurring in the twentieth century in different centers around the world, Cuba: Andalusia, Spain; and Harlem, New York, simultaneously. The writers at the heart of this movement used poetry about music as a means to celebrate the cultures of the marginalized people in their lands, los negros, los gitanos, and African-Americans. The purpose of this study is to define musical ekphrasis and identify it in the works of Nicolás Guillén, Federico García Lorca, and Langston Hu… more
Date: December 2016
Creator: Divett, Andrew Brennan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

El Arquetipo Del Narco Mexicano En La Novela, El Cine, Y La Música

Description: Various groups of Mexican culture have assigned to el narco archetypical characteristics of a heroic figure in the literary, visual, and auditory arts. As a result, today’s narcocultura has expanded its tentacles to a vast array of prominent industries, such as publishing companies, the silver screen, and recording studios. El narco is no longer seen by some sectors as the outlaw that stalks our society but, instead, as a hero who fights against a hegemonic faction to reclaim his sovereignty.… more
Date: May 2014
Creator: González, Jesús Ángel
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

An Age-based Etic Analysis of Orthographic Variation in Computer-mediated French Discourse

Description: This study examines orthographic variation in synchronous computer-mediated French discourse. All nontraditional variations of selected frequently occuring items are quantified in order to provide an etic (i.e., from an external perspective) analysis. The primary variable of interest is age since this study focuses on providing a comparison of chat participants in their twenties versus those in their fifties. The widespread claim is that younger people communicate using more informal and/or non… more
Date: December 2013
Creator: Kharrat, Laila Kiblawi
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Same-Sex Parent Families in France: Past, Present, and Future

Description: This thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of the current situation concerning same-sex parent families in France. This involves discussions of the PACS (Pacte civil de solidarité), adoption, and marriage, as well as the societal influences that caused the massive negative response to the Taubira law. The second chapter goes into more detail concerning portrayals of homosexuality in French media throughout the years. There is a focus, however, on one of the earliest… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Griffin, Janna Lee
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Great Rivalry: The Planning Legacies of London and Paris in the Modern Era

Description: This thesis seeks to examine the respective histories of London and Paris, two of the most influential and iconic cities in the world, in order to better understand how each respectively developed and their impact upon modern urban planning. Comparisons are made between, not only the history, but also the noble classes and gentry, religions, and cultural values which influenced the development of each capital city. Additionally, this thesis also seeks to explore how the development of Paris can… more
Date: May 2018
Creator: Wilson, Aubrae N.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

La Búsqueda de la Identidad Femenina en las Novelas de Dos Autoras Mexicanas

Description: The novel is one means by which writers can provide examples of the possibilities for women in patriarchal societies to seek greater independence. Sabina Berman (1955- ) and Silvia Molina (1946- ) are modern day Mexican novelists whose writings support the betterment of the female condition in this Latin American society. This study focuses on these two authors and describes and analyzes several of their female protagonists who can be characterized as being in search of their self-identity and … more
Date: May 2015
Creator: Shrefler, Carmen Lara
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Carnaval, grotesco y dialogismo en las zarzuelas de Pablo Sorozábal

Description: In the present study, the three principal theories of Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin--the carnavalesque, grotesque, and dialogical--are applied to the musical-theatre genre of the Spanish zarzuela. The focus of the study centers on the works of composer Pablo Sorozábal and the various librettists who collaborated with him, among them the renowned literary author Pío Baroja. Within this study, zarzuela is first analyzed on its own in terms of the academic debate surrounding the genre and its i… more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Murphy, Deirdre
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Étude Comparative De Messages Publicitaires Anglophones Et Francophones À La Lumière D'éléments Culturels [Comparative Study of English and French Advertisements Through a Cultural Lens]

Description: This thesis aims to demonstrate the crucial role of cultural aspects such as attitudes, values, social common places, and expectations in the international advertising industry. Through the analysis of written advertisements used in the United States and France, general trends regarding various commercial sectors and products (automobiles, electronics, cosmetics, and so forth) are highlighted and explored. From a linguistic perspective, the purpose of this thesis is not only to observe the sema… more
Date: December 2012
Creator: Tison, Jean-Bernard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Antón Arrufat’s Los Siete Contra Tebas: Political Allegory and Anthropological Concepts As Vehicles to Portray Theatrical and Social Conflict

Description: This thesis (i) presents a critical analysis of the political allegory and dramatic elements employed by Antón Arrufat in Los siete contra Tebas in order to comment upon the conflict in Cuban society during and immediately after the Cuban revolution; and (ii) further analyzes that conflict using an anthropological approach in order to establish partial reintegration as an additional final phase in the rites of passage journey.
Date: August 2014
Creator: Gosch, Elizabeth Anna
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

El Teatro Dominicano: Instrumento Político y Voz de una Identidad

Description: Throughout the history of the Dominican Republic, theater has played an instrumental role in the cultural life its people, one which transcends purely artistic and cultural dimensions extending its influence into the political and social fabric of the nation. In spite of Spanish colonization and later Haitian occupation, a nascent national identity began forming early on. The staging of certain plays exposed latent conflicts and revealed sectorial, class interests. Theater provided a means of e… more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Curiel, Sandra Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Mujeres Sumisas, Mujeres Transgresoras en el Siglo XIX Español: una Aproximación a la Obra de Francisca Navarro y Joaquina García Balmaseda

Description: This research discusses the changing role of women in Spanish society during the nineteenth century through the works of Francisca Navarro and Joaquina Garcia Balmaseda. The thesis shows the break with the traditional image of the "angel del hogar" and the gradual incorporation of the social changes affecting women which were reflected in the female protagonists of the comedies written by such playwrights. By reading theoretical texts of the emerging feminist theory and through analysis of the … more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Zaera, Isabel María
Partner: UNT Libraries
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