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Primary view of "Keep 'em rolling, pal. On the production line, we're fighters, too. We'll give 'em a beating they'll never forget." Produce for victory!
Hagel, Otto, 1909-1973.
Primary view of "The stuff our soldiers need is comin'-- but fast!  We're workin' like hell to give them everything they need to beat the livin' daylights out of those _ _ _ _!" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "You make 'em, buddy -- we'll use 'em -- and how! We're all soldiers together. Our victories in battle come right after your victories in production." : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "This is everybody's war. The enemy has made it so. May you never know what it means to be  a refugee -- to be hungry -- to be homeless. Be sure this never happens to you!" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "Sweat, fella -- sweat! The more we sweat, the less our boys bleed. Let's give 'em what it takes to knock out the enemy." Produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "Every rivet we drive -- every bolt we turn -- every ounce we sweat, brings victory a little closer. Breaking production records is the American way of doing things!" : produce for victory!
Shafer, Paul.
Primary view of "Man for man, America's workers and America's soldiers are the best in the world! We helped them build our nation -- we'll help them defend it." Produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "Gosh! Look at 'em fly! My Pop helps make those planes. With flyers like that and workers like my Pop -- us Americans are sure gonna win this scrap!" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "Guts -- and sweat -- that's the stuff victory is made of! We're fighting this war to win -- and every mother's son of us is doing his job --  Who said, America is soft?" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "No nation of slaves can match a nation of free men. We're doing more because we want to than they can because they have to!" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
unknown creation date
Primary view of "The hum of the motor -- the pound of the punch press -- the rat-a-tat-tat of the riveter -- the flash of the welder -- the thunder of the rolling mill -- the roar of America in production echoes "remember Pearl Harbor-- remember Pearl Harbor!" : produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "--and God bless daddy and all the American workers who are doing so much to protect freedom and make this a better world for us to live in." Produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "Full speed ahead! Every moment counts. Time out helps the enemy. That's why we're drivin' hard every minute -- C'mon, fella, let's step on it." Produce for victory!
Sheldon-Claire Co.
Primary view of "We, the Americans of today, know our duty to the Americans of yesterday and the Americans of tomorrow. We shall keep the fires of freedom burning." : produce for victory!
Aulik, Keith J.
Primary view of "I'm an Ellis Island American. I left the old country to be free--and nobody is going to take that freedom away. That's why I'm fighting on the production line--to help destroy the enemies of freedom. Let's keep 'em rolling" : produce for victory!
Hagel, Otto, 1909-1973.
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