
Working with Results: Magnifying (Zooming)

Saving and Printing

Most items in the UNT Digital Library can be magnified or "zoomed." This allows you to change the size of the text, and to see tiny details on maps, posters, photographs, and other items. In addition, our zoom interface allows you to permalink your zoomed image so you can easily share it or return to it. You can also print or save the zoomed area.


Start by opening the desired page or side in the reading pane and then clicking "zoom" in the toolbar at the top of the pane or "Magnify..." in the left sidebar.


Some search results lists also allow you to open a page directly in zoom view.

zoom from results list

When the next screen opens, use the zoom tool in the upper left corner to magnify or reduce the image. Then drag the image with your mouse, or use the orientation controls to the right of the zoom control, to center the selection you want to view on the screen. Use the green page turning buttons to move to the next or previous page or side while retaining the same degree of magnification.

zoom controls

At any time, you can exit the zoom interface and return to normal display by clicking "standard view" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

standard view


You can create a deep link to the zoomed area of content on your screen. Just click "permalink" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.


When the "Deep Link" box opens, copy the link for future use, or click an icon under "Share" to send the link via email or your preferred social networking platform.

deep link options

Anyone using the link will be returned to the exact same place on the page at the same magnification you were viewing when you made the permalink.

Saving and Printing

To save or print the zoomed area of content on your screen, click "print" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

print preview

The next screen will usually open in portrait orientation, but, if you prefer, you can change to landscape orientation by clicking "Change to landscape" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

change to landscape

You may also need to re-center your text or image by dragging or using the orientation controls.

Saving: How you save the image will depend on your browser's options. In some browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, you can right-click on the image and then choose "save image as..." from the dialog box. This will save just the image, with the navigation tools removed. No citation is saved with this method.

Some browsers, such as Chrome and Internet Explorer, will also let you print natively to PDF. This has the advantage of saving the citation along with the image. To do this, click "Print" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.


When your browser's print dialog opens (shown here in Chrome) change "printer" or "destination" to PDF. If you changed the image to landscape orientation, you should also change the page layout to landscape. Tweak any other settings pertinent to your printing setup, and then click "save" or "print."

Chrome print dialog for PDF

Of course, to work with saved PDF files, you will need the Acrobat reader or appropriate plugin for your browser.

Printing: After clicking "print" and adjusting to landscape, if desired, click "Print" in the toolbar at the top of the screen.


When your browser's print dialog opens (shown here in Chrome) change "printer" or "destination" to your desired printer. If you changed the image to landscape orientation, you will probably want to change the page layout to landscape. Tweak any other settings pertinent to your printing setup, and then click "print."

Chrome print dialog

Your zoomed selection will print with a citation.

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